I loved college. I was the girl in the back of the classroom
forever launching her hand into the air.
I wanted to know what the ancient Egyptians ate for breakfast, whether
the Oval Office really is oval, and why no one has ever found the Missing
The only possible major that
fit me was Journalism. I yearned to
explore and analyze everything. In the years after graduation, I
discovered that there is more to any story than meets the
eye, and that the lives of all humans who have ever set foot on Earth are
intertwined in marvelous ways.
My college roommate, who majored in English, gently crafted sonnets that will likely be cherished centuries from now. I, however, hammered out nonfiction pieces with ferocious haste.
My training in “writing on the wind” opened up myriad work opportunities. I have structured my thoughts in many formats: newspaper columns, training manuals, radio commercials, and more. If you’ve ever walked by a sales video playing in a big box retailer, you may have seen my work.
When I got saved, I began to share my enthusiasm for life with everyone around me. Imagine the wonders of the universe we will explore when the Lord welcomes us into eternity!
And so, this blog is dedicated to my journey of faith, as well as my observations on college,
careers, and entrepreneurship.
I welcome your comments and feedback; let’s embark on new adventures together.
Social Media
Website: https://juliettefoxcroft.weebly.com
Blog: www.juliettefoxcroft.blogspot.com
Gab: https://gab.com/juliettefoxcroft
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/juliettefoxcroft
USA.Life: https://usa.life/juliettefoxcroft
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Juliette-Foxcroft/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jfoxcroftauthor
Podcasts on
Castbox, Stitcher,
Spotify, and Apple.
Videos on YouTube, Brand New Tube,
Bitchute, and Rumble.